Friday, April 22, 2011

99 of the US voters can always beat the monied lobbys 04/22 by Lumpinprollie | Blog Talk Radio

99 of the US voters can always beat the monied lobbys 04/22 by Lumpinprollie | Blog Talk Radio 4PM EST

"Rules" for writing?

No wonder the blank page elicits something like constipation for students! Bemused by some teachers' insistence that essay-writing students should never use a first-person pronoun, I found this blurp, whose intention seems to be to lighten up on the rules; yet it introduces scarily rigid tenets - by means of so many unnecessary words that it veers toward opacity. A travesty. You who read this instant protest could prune that blurp down to half its length and make it clearer in the process. And then do the same with this instant protest

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cuckoo's Song

SUMER is icumen in,
Lhude sing cuccu!
Groweth sed, and bloweth med,
And springth the wude nu—
Sing cuccu!

Awe bleteth after lomb,
Lhouth after calve cu;
Bulluc sterteth, bucke verteth,
Murie sing cuccu!

Cuccu, cuccu, well singes thu, cuccu:
Ne swike thu naver nu;
Sing cuccu, nu, sing cuccu,
Sing cuccu, sing cuccu, nu!

- Anonymous (c. 1250 CE)